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September 17, 2024
The Bobcat Comics series pairs UC Merced professors with professional comic book artists who turn their scholarship into accessible comics. Check out these three, based on the work of Literatures in English faculty, from which you will learn about the power of refugee storytelling, visual...
December 6, 2023
By Sophia Davis, UC Merced English major Film of the production available here. December 5, 2023 In 1623, William Shakespeare proclaimed, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." That is, in the eyes of the playwright, every aspect of the world,...
May 15, 2023
For many in the class of 2023, COVID hit during their first year at UC Merced. They endured the challenges of the pandemic and online teaching, and on May 14, graduated from UC Merced. Particular congratulations to the class of 2023 honors students, Viviana Gomez, Luis Mendez, and Katie...
October 12, 2022
Starting in Fall 2023, UC Merced's English program offers two optional tracks in Literature and Social Justice and Literature and the Environment. Why these tracks at UC Merced We launched these tracks in response to student demand. Most of the major crises facing the San Joaquin...
May 16, 2022
“Working toward a college degree amid a global pandemic was anything but easy, but the work and resilience the UC Merced Class of 2022 has possessed throughout their undergraduate career deserves to be acknowledged, congratulated and immensely celebrated at this year's commencement....
March 4, 2022
The English program and the entire University of California Merced community mourns the passing of our colleague, teacher, and friend Dr. Jan Goggans. At a memorial event on March 2, 2022, several colleagues, students, and former students paid tribute: Student Kaylin Insyarath: "As I...
December 1, 2021
The newest issue of UC Merced's literary magazine The Vernal Pool was released in December 2021, and many English majors took part in its creation. Remy Sumida-Tate ('22) served as editor in chief, and it was copyedited by Arianna Mengel ('22), with Miranda Rosas (...
November 25, 2021
UC Merced recently spotlighted the accomplishments of Cat Flores, a senior English major who is using her literary and writing skills to make waves in the music industry, as a rep for Grammy U, songwriter, and recording artist. She has also conducted research on music's role in...
July 24, 2021
In this fascinating disucssion with Dr. Randall Martin and Rebecca Salazar, Sofia ('22) talks about approaching theatre and the outdoors as a woman of color, and about her experiences starring in Shakespeare in Yosemite's Imogen in the Wild. 
June 7, 2021
English majors are making waves with their cutting edge research, fulfiling UC Merced's promise of granting access to undergradauate student researchers. Read more about these programs here. Savie Luce ('21) graduated with High Honors in the English program after completing...
