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Literature and Social Justice Series

A series of writers, activists, performers, and scholars who are making the connection between literature and social justice. 

Spring 2024:

Fall 2023:

Talk by Presidential Postdoc Christopher Lee

Spring 2023

Poetry Reading by Daniel W. K. Lee

Talks on Environmental Justice and Literature: March 10, in person and online. Free and open to the public.

Fall 2022

A Talk by Addie Tsai on Unwieldy Creatures

A Talk by Addie Tsai, organized by Dr. Mai-Linh Hong:


"The Problem of Truth in Literature and Film"

A lecture by Robert Pippin, the Evelyn Stefansson Nef Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago

"Recollecting Payahuunadü 'the land of flowing water in Ann Kaneko's Manzanar Diverted: When Water Became Dust." A Talk by Dr. Laura Sachiko Fugikawa

Spring 2022:

Eco-film series, every Thurdsay night at 7:00 in ACS 102C.

Conversation with Jenny Price, author of Stop Saving the Planet: An Environmental Manifesto: March 7 at 1:30 on Zoom

Fall 2021:

Gentefication, A Talk by Antonio López: October 28 at 1:30 pm. Zoom link. 

Past events:

"Hundred Flowers Hidden Deep: Queer Aesthetics and Sensibility in Chinese Cinema,"
A talk by Dr. Weisong Gao, followed by Q&A: February 22 2021 at 4:00 pm. Zoom link.

March 5, 2021 7:00: Q&A with Debra Ann Byrd about her one-woman show, Becoming Othello: A Black Girl's Journey, available with a special Vimeo code for three days before March 5. Zoom link to Q&A. More info here.

Aimee Suzara Poetry Reading: September 23, 2020.

Dr. Peniel Joseph on Malcolm X and MLK jr: September 28, 2020

Playwright Cherríe Moraga on Heroes and Saints: October 14, 2020

In Conversation with Debra Ann Byrd, Founder of Harlem Shakespeare Festival: November 5, 2020.

Live Zoom Performance of Kirstina Wong: Sweatshop Overlord: December 2, 2020