The Bobcat Comics series pairs UC Merced professors with professional comic book artists who turn their scholarship into accessible comics. Check out these three, based on the work of Literatures in English faculty, from which you will learn about the power of refugee storytelling, visual narratives from the Aztecs, and how Shakespeare can be used to communicate enviornmental crises and solutions.
Perilous Telling: On Refugee Story, based on the scholarship of Dr. Mai-Linh Hong
All Our Relations: Stars, Plants, and Mothers in the Mesoamerican Story of Mayahuel, based on the scholarship of Dr. Felicia Rhapsody Lopez
How to Read an Aztec "Comic": Indigenous Knowledge, Mothers' Bodies, and Tamales in the Pot, based on the scholarship of Dr. Felicia Rhapsody Lopez
Shakesepeare as Environmental Writer, based on the scholarship of Dr. Katherine Steele Brokaw