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March 24, 2020
In summer 2020, two rising juniors--both English majors at UC Merced--conducted original research as part of the UROC-H program.  Cathryn Flores conducted a practice-based project for which she with collaborated with the local Merced Shakespearefest, who just finished filming a...
July 25, 2019
Unlike traditional theater productions, there was no red curtain, special lighting, microphone feedback or elaborate stage makeup at Shakespeare in Yosemite. Instead, squirrels scurried across the stone stage and among the audience members’ feet. Birds cawed in the nearby trees, as the...
July 25, 2019
Often, when people talk about or study refugees, the focus is on policy, rescue operations or terrorism. Rarely is the conversation centered on refugees as human beings. But a new collaboration among five UC campuses — including UC Merced — is working to change that. The...
